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08February 2017
Most of us would agree with George Eliot’s words, “I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.” Valentine’s Day is the occasion when you can experience both. We asked FamilyLife Facebook friends and e-mail readers to share some of their favorite Valentine’s Day ideas.
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08February 2017
Valentine’s Day is all about you and your other half, as a couple. You can have all this love bubbling up inside but have no idea just how to show it and make them feel special. Here are 6 ideas for couples to make Valentine’s Day great
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08February 2017
Claudius didn't want men to marry during wartime because he believed single men made better soldiers. Bishop Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret wedding ceremonies. For this, Valentine was jailed and then executed by order of the Emperor on Feb. 14. While in jail, he wrote a love note to the jailor's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine." Sound familiar?
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08February 2017
Valentine’s Day can be a great time to reconnect with your spouse or show your new special someone how much you care, but that ubiquitous candlelight dinner can get old real fast. This year, truly make it a night to remember with one of these unexpected activities.
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